date : 2021.02.20
Angel BOXに付属するミニ写真集について ( 追加のお知らせ )
急遽Angel BOX購入者全員に追加特典としてプレゼントが決定したDAIKI氏撮影によるYOUYAミニ写真集ですが、実際に写真撮影を行ったところ、たくさんの良い写真が撮れ一冊分に絞りきることが難しかったため、3種類作成することに致しました! (写真撮影の様子も後に動画公開致します!)
Angel BOX1つに付き、A,B,Cパターンの3種類の中から、ランダムでどれか1冊をお付けします。
【 注文締め切り:2/28(日)23:59 】
About the Mini Photo Album Included in Angel Box ( Additional Notice )
We have announced to give out YOUYA’s mini photo album to every purchase of Angel Box, photographed by DAIKI. As we went through the photo shoots, we had so many good photos we could not choose the ones to put in the album. So we decided to make 3 patterns for the mini album! (We will soon show the behind-the-scenes!)
1 photo album will be included per 1 Angel BOX order.
1 random photo album from A, B, or C will be included.
Each booklet is about 25 pages and all 3 patterns will contain different pictures.
Please look forward for the contents.
If you have already placed an order and have purchased more than one, we will include different patterns.
【 Order deadline : February 28, Sunday 11:59pm 】