
Rena ( TSUBAKILL / Rht. )

Dancer / Choreographer

She studied under RIEHATA, a female dancer who is overwhelmingly popular in the dance world, and belonged to avex ROYALBRATS in season 1 of Japan’s professional dance league D.LEAGUE, winning the first championship. At the age of 10, she became a member of the kids dance team “LOLK!DZ” produced by RIEHATA, and won many awards in many contests, making her name known in the scene.
Currently, she is active in several teams, mainly “Rht.”, and is also active in a wide range of activities, including appearing in music videos and live performances of world-famous artists such as ZICO and Jackson Wang, and working on choreography.
In addition, she appeared as a member of the Japanese team “TSUBAKILL” on the popular Korean program “STREET WOMAN FIGHTER 2” that aired from August 2023, expanding her fan base in Korea and all over the world, gaining global popularity.

ダンス界において圧倒的人気を誇る女性ダンサーRIEHATAに師事し、日本のダンスプロリーグD.LEAGUE シーズン1ではavex ROYALBRATSに所属し、初代優勝を果たす。10歳の時にRIEHATAプロデュースのキッズダンスチーム「LOLK!DZ」に所属し、多くのコンテストで賞を総なめにし、シーンにその名を轟かせた。現在は、「Rht.」を中心にいくつかのチームに所属し活動する傍ら、ZICOやJackson Wangなど世界的アーティストのMVやライブに出演したり、振付を手掛けたりと多岐に渡った活躍を見せている。また、2023年8月から放送された韓国の大人気番組「STREET WOMAN FIGHTER2」に日本チーム「TSUBAKILL」のメンバーとして出演し、韓国をはじめ、世界中にファン層を拡げ、グローバルな人気を獲得した。